Space events 2020 December - Jupiter Saturn Conjunction - Mars Uranus Neptune Straight - Sciensic

Mars Uranus Straight

It was a clear sky on December 11 2020 around 7:15 PM IST. I decided a take a picture in Expert mode on my Oppo Realme 2 pro with default settings and Shutter timing 16 seconds with an average tripod. I got a clear view of Mars and a dull Uranus. Here goes the picture.

Mars Uranus through Phone Camera - Space events 2020 December by Sciensic

 Mars Uranus Neptune Straight

December 12 2020 around 7:10 PM IST. Expert mode on my Oppo Realme 2 pro with default settings and Shutter timing 16 seconds with an average tripod. I got a clear view of Mars, a dull Uranus, and a very dull Neptune.

Mars Uranus Neptune through Phone Camera
Space events 2020 December by Sciensic

Mysterious Object

December 12 2020 around 7:15 PM IST. Expert mode on my Oppo Realme 2 pro with default settings and Shutter timing 16 seconds with an average tripod. I got a very dull view of a Mysterious object and here goes the picture.

Mysterious object - Space events 2020 December by Sciensic

Jupiter Saturn Conjunction

December 21 2020 around 6:30 PM IST. Expert mode on my Oppo Realme 2 pro with default settings, Very low ISO, and Shutter timing 16 seconds with an average tripod. I got a very dull view of Jupiter and Saturn but can able to differentiate both. Here goes the picture.

Jupiter Saturn Conjunction through Phone Camera
Space events 2020 December by Sciensic


December 23 2020 around 7:10 PM IST. Expert mode on my Oppo Realme 2 pro with default settings, a very low ISO, and Shutter timing 16 seconds with an average tripod. I got an average view of Jupiter. Here goes the picture.

Jupiter through Phone Camera - Space events 2020 December by Sciensic

Jupiter Saturn Conjunction

December 26 2020 around 7:10 PM IST. Expert mode on my Oppo Realme 2 pro with default settings, Very low ISO, and Shutter timing 16 seconds with an average tripod. I got an average view of Jupiter, its moons, and a very dull view of Saturn. Here goes the picture.

Jupiter, Jupiter's Moons, and Saturn through Phone Camera
Space events 2020 December by Sciensic

Editor's Note - The Above provided information may be changed or modified in the future.


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